Neusa Garcia

          Neusa Garcia is a very talented sacred sculptor, which creates very beautiful and expressive images of saints, a pride for our city, Ipameri - Goiás, where she was created, as well for our state and country. I found Neusa by chance, looking for artists from Ipameri and a friend indicated; when I got to her home (which is one block from mine) I was treated so well that even I was embarrassed. Then I discovered that we are related, she is cousin of my mother, with that our friendship grew even stronger.

          The trademarks of Neusa are, plus the huge talent, natural joy, sincerity and simplicity, qualities that are not usually present in people who have excelled in society and the arts, but Neusa not changed, continues to receive people with the same simplicity of his days as a young girl and her husband, Manoel Garcia Neto, is as nice as her. They are very right and sincere people, who want only friendship and the welfare of their friends. That's how every friend should be.

          To see the beautiful works of Neusa, visit his exhibition at the Art Gallery of this site!

Lupércio Mundim
April / 2014

Poetic Soul Counters